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Hello Friends
Loving and peaceful home euthanasia vet service
for your furry family member.
Servicing: Perth, Western Australia
We donate to help animal rescue.
Thank you for helping homeless animals find loving homes too.
About Our Services
"Love is that condition
in which the happiness
of another is essential
to your own"
~ Robert A. Heinlein

Compassionate Farewell at home for your terminally ill furry family.
Creating a loving, peaceful home farewell for your furry family.
- Where to start and how to prepare.
- Making it a loving, peaceful, healing time together.
- Gratefully remembering joyful moments.
Lost your furry family member a while ago and it still hurts?
Congratulations! You're normal - it just means you really love your furry family.
Individual consultation to help dissolve the emotional pain so you are left with loving, peaceful memories.
Dreading thinking about it or not sure where to start preparing for 'the right time'?
We know it's difficult.
What if you look back on now - and be so happy you asked for help?
Just ask us where to start, no obiligation - we're happy to see how we can help make this a loving, peaceful, healing process.
- No obligation, happy to see if we can help -

About Us
and Why

Dr Ann McCoy
- Veterinary surgeon
- Facilitator & practitioner of Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
- Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
- Access Consciousness
Why a home euthanasia vet service?
Since I was a child I felt the despair & emotional pain as my stray little baby birds passing away after Mother Nature "kicked" them out of their nests. Despite my desperate attempts to save them all.... I thought if I got a vet degree- THEN I CAN save them ALL...right?!
As a vet I realised that when "it's time" for a furry family member, it's time... and the most fulfilling role (for me) is to stop unnecessary suffering (both for furred & non furred family!) making it a loving, peaceful memory - a healing experience.
Where does all this come from? My own emotional pain & anxiety over the years... I HAD to find a way of dissolving ("defragging") that pain so I was free of intense panic attacks I experienced daily.
My methodology for easing emotional pain & converting it to peaceful, loving memories for others is what I have been using on myself since the year 2000.
I work with the people of the family first, given the more peaceful they are - the more peaceful their furry family member can be.
During the home euthanasia the furry family member is in their favourite place feeling loved by their family.... I can also organise beautiful aftercare with www.passingpaws.com.au - so there is nothing else for the family to worry about.
You know - something that inspires me is when 'stray' animals are given a chance to have such a loving & peaceful family. I'm so grateful for rescue organisations like www.SAFEPERTH.com.au & the work they do to save animals from unnecessary euthanasia (for no other reason than that they have been abandoned & quite often abused- don't get me started!).
This is why I choose to donate 10% of my profits to organisations like www.SAFEPERTH.com.au - so that each time a furry someone is euthanised in a loving, peaceful home - another furry someone is getting rescued - & would have otherwise been euthanised for being homeless - now has a chance to know that feeling of a home with love & peace. How does it get better than that?
What difference could we make if 10% from each loving home euthanasia (for a terminally ill furry family member) was donated to give a homeless animal a chance to find a loving home?!
What difference could it make to the children & adults alike if they remembered these experiences with love & peacefulness... rather than suffering emotionally for years... blaming themselves for what did or didn't happen.
That's what I did...and that's why I'm inspired to have Pets@Peace Home Vet touch as many lives as possible....
Grateful to you for reading this & supporting us by sharing our page so others have a chance to create loving, peaceful memories and replace any traumatic memories with love... some people even say they feel a sense of joy again (without the intense pain of the past) when they think of their furry family member after we've helped them...thank you for the difference I bet you already make to the furred & non furred people around you - thank you for being you !!
Love Dr Ann xo
Temporary Postal Address:
PO Box 4072
Swan View
Western Australia 6056
Email: petsatpeacehomevet@gmail.com
Tel: 0434 380 400

In Touch

Thank you for the difference you make loving your furry
family SO much!